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French adventurers who travelled the world flight-free, by hitchhiking

SerialHikers stop autostop world monde tour hitchhiking aventure adventure alternative travel voyage sans avion no fly multimedia matériel photo video travel equipment

Travel equipment: our tips to travel with a light photo/video equipment

Wondering how to capture beautiful images while traveling, without being overloaded like a moving truck? Don’t worry: Julien takes over this post to tell you more about his choice of travel equipment for taking/editing photos and videos, details features and advantages of each, to help you being well-equipped – in a light, optimized way!

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SerialHikers stop autostop world monde tour hitchhiking aventure adventure alternative travel voyage sans avion no fly administration préparatifs banque frais bancaires bank fees sécurité safety

Bank: how to avoid issues and fees while traveling!

Even if we spend little on travel, we use our savings to cover our visa and food costs mainly. So we had to find a solution to access our savings remotely, and exchange our currency easily. But how can you reduce bank fees and manage your account while traveling? Good question! Unless you have decided to travel without money, there are very simple, practical and reliable solutions to avoid issues… and bank fees abroad!

Read More »Bank: how to avoid issues and fees while traveling!

SerialHikers stop autostop world monde tour hitchhiking aventure adventure alternative travel voyage sans avion no fly Kyrghyzstan Kirgizstan animal aigle eagles horses chevaux condition reflexion attractions traditions

Responsible travel: animal exploitation, somewhere between traditions and attractions

While volunteering in a hostel in Kyrgyzstan, we were struck by the interest and enthusiasm of a majority of travelers for attractions involving animals – such as multi-day horse treks with tired horses, or souvenir photo sessions with an eagle on arm… Choices that often exasperated us, but also raised many questions.

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Travel health: vaccines, first aid kit and insurance

Because traveling in good health is synonymous with a peace of mind(let’s be honest, who wants to be bedridden for several days in a foreign country ?!) we decided after some talks to take some precautionary measures before leaving – even if these solutions can be expensive and questionable!… Let us share our experience, some insights about health and travel.

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How to communicate easily while traveling

While traveling, being able to communicate and being understood can quickly become a real headache, especially when you or your interlocutor do not speak the same language! After several months on the road, we wanted to share our tips for communicating, from our own experience. And contrary to what you think, learning to communicate is not an insurmountable task!

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SerialHikers stop autostop world monde tour hitchhiking aventure adventure alternative travel voyage sans avion no fly backpacks sacs dos contenu content

Travel equipment: what we took in our backpacks!

“What am I going to put in my backpack?” is the question that has replaced our daily “What am I going to wear today?”… We can tell that moving from a city life to a nomadic one is not easy at all, and above all not obvious! So we decided to share our experience, thoughts and advice on how to prepare optimized backpacks – tested and approved in all seasons and circumstances!

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SerialHikers stop autostop world monde tour hitchhiking aventure adventure alternative travel voyage sans avion no fly china chine yunnan shangrila village tibet

Tibetan villages of Sichuan and Yunnan – China

Visiting Tibet was, for us, a bit complicated: we had to obtain a special authorization through an agency, follow a precise itinerary, hire a guide and a driver services… All these constraints were not compatible with our way of traveling. So we found another solution, much simpler, to get ourselves into the Tibetan culture: visiting Tibetan villages of Sichuan and Yunnan!
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SerialHikers stop autostop world monde tour hitchhiking aventure adventure alternative travel voyage sans avion no fly administration préparatifs preparation guide

Get ready for a long trip: travel preparations planning & administrative procedures

O joys of administration and all travel preparations! Far from being a pleasant time, it’s nonetheless an essential step. We therefore disciplined ourselves to be organized, and motivated enough to establish a schedule summarizing the essential steps by priority. An efficient planning which has been rather successful, and that could help you too!

Read More »Get ready for a long trip: travel preparations planning & administrative procedures

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Traveling in Iran: be prepared for cultural shock and Taarof

Be prepared for cultural shock including food, lifestyle, traditions, taarof, alphabet which are all different from what we know… Our habits get easily lost; the life change completely! This is undoubtedly what creates the beauty of Iran, an exotic country which one wants to immerse in all its secrets… However, before exploring the Iranian unknown, we advise you to read our small list of things you should ABSOLUTELY know before traveling across Iran!

Read More »Traveling in Iran: be prepared for cultural shock and Taarof

SerialHikers stop autostop world monde tour hitchhiking aventure adventure alternative travel voyage sans avion no fly moneyless sans argent

Traveling without money, good or bad idea?

Since a few months, we see appearing everywhere in the media articles and reports with catchy title: “he made the World Tour without money”, “she crossed Europe with 0 €”. Is traveling without money a real or false good idea? This is one of the sensitive questions that we asked ourselves … A real question that gave us to think about it, but also collectively!

Read More »Traveling without money, good or bad idea?