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SerialHikers stop autostop world monde tour hitchhiking aventure adventure alternative travel voyage sans avion no fly itineraire route


Our travel guides “Destinations”, presenting by country our selection of recommended places, our favorites ones, our alternative travel tips, our budget, etc.



SerialHikers stop autostop world monde tour hitchhiking aventure adventure alternative travel voyage sans avion no fly hong kong destination

Destination Hong Kong: our travel guide

A long and unexpected stage of our journey, Hong Kong did not disappoint us: behind its skyscrapers and main streets where opulence, stressful and superficiality life reign, we discovered more traditional neighborhoods, bits of nature for hiking or swimming, villages where life is good. Return with a touch of nostalgia on this main stop, a real upheaval in our journey!

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SerialHikers stop autostop world monde tour hitchhiking aventure adventure alternative travel voyage sans avion no fly vietnam guide

Destination Vietnam: our travel guide

When we dream of Vietnam, we see men with their conical hats barefoot in the rice fields, whole families on scooters, colorful junks and fishing boats, bowls of rice and cups of coffee… And then when you travel to Vietnam, you see a bit of all this, but also much more! What if you let yourself be guided in the heart of an authentic, hospitable Vietnam, through our travel guide?

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SerialHikers stop autostop world monde tour hitchhiking aventure adventure alternative travel voyage sans avion no fly singapour singapore destination marina bay gardens guide

Destination Singapore: our travel guide

Arrived at the gates of Singapore, we took the opportunity to visit this incredible city-state with the help of Ashlie, our Singaporean contact met two years earlier in Greece. Oversized, clean, orderly, green and contrasted: these are the words that came to our mind to describe this heaven for finance and commerce. Let’s take a look back on our journey on this very prosperous Asian island!

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SerialHikers stop autostop world monde tour hitchhiking aventure adventure alternative travel voyage sans avion no fly china chine destination guide

Destination China: our travel guide

Two months is the (very small) amount of time we had to cross the 3rd largest country in the world: China. From the desert highlands of Xinjiang to the mountains of Yunnan, through the tropical forests of Hunan, we were totally amazed by the beauty of the landscapes, the Chinese gastronomy and the exceptional cultural heritage of this country. Are you interested to visit Western and Central China? We’ll take you there through this guide!

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SerialHikers stop autostop world monde tour hitchhiking aventure adventure alternative travel voyage sans avion no fly cambodge cambodia guide

Destination Cambodia: our travel guide

Making our way through Southeast Asia, we entered Cambodia with the only expectation to visit the famous Angkor temples. And if this long awaited visit did not disappoint us at all, Cambodia knew how to reserve us many other surprises, good and bad, unforeseen events and memorable encounters. Between beauty and horror, fascination and frustration, Cambodia did not leave us indifferent!

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SerialHikers stop autostop world monde tour hitchhiking aventure adventure alternative travel voyage sans avion no fly Laos

Destination Laos: our travel guide

Between our two stays in Vietnam (the first one, visa-free, and the second one with a e-visa), we decided to visit Laos – a choice motivated by the need to slow down, to rest, in a quiet place, in the heart of a country renowned for its lush nature and gigantic caves. And while the spectacular natural scenery was there, Laos had surprised us in many other ways – surprises that didn’t make our road-trip so chill: few challenges, a little bit of corruption, a lot of waiting time on the road side and dust swallowed along the dirt roads!

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SerialHikers stop autostop world monde tour hitchhiking aventure adventure alternative travel voyage sans avion no fly Kyrgyzstan Kirghizistan roadtrip destination guide

Destination Kyrgyzstan: our travel guide

Kyrgyzstan, or the flagship country of Central Asia, did not disappoint us at all: in the midst of its magnificent mountainous landscapes, where horses and sheep graze in harmony, we discovered generous people with strong and well-established traditions, borrowed from the nomadic culture and the Soviet Empire. A great breath of fresh air and unique experiences, to enjoy as much as you like!

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SerialHikers stop autostop world monde tour hitchhiking aventure adventure alternative travel voyage sans avion no fly asie centrale Ouzbékistan uzbekistan destination samarcande samarkand registan

Destination Uzbekistan: our travel guide

Traveling through Central Asia, we had some time ahead of us (two to three weeks) before entering China. We then decided to visit Uzbekistan in the middle of October to take advantage of the last sunny days, discover the Uzbek culture, admire the splendor of the Great Silk Road Ancient cities… If this short period of time seemed enough according to many travelers feedbacks; for us, it quickly appeared that it would not be enough to fully enjoy Uzbekistan!

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SerialHikers stop autostop world monde tour hitchhiking aventure adventure alternative travel voyage sans avion no fly turkmenistan destination

Destination Turkmenistan: our travel guide and story!

Borders almost closed, cult of the president, control of media: by crossing Turkmenistan, we knew that we were going to live a rather… unique experience! On the other hand, we had no idea how warmly Turkmen people finally welcomed us. After a short passage, we relive with you our Turkmen journey – an experience we won’t soon forget!

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SerialHikers stop autostop world monde tour hitchhiking aventure adventure alternative travel voyage sans avion no fly destination greece grèce

Destination Greece: our travel guide

καλημέρα – Kalimera, Hello! After more than 2 months spent in Greece, it was time for us to share our experience and give our advices to visit this beautiful country, totally immersed in the Greek culture. Did you know for example that Greeks celebrate their patron saint rather than their birthday, and that their favorite drink (besides ouzo and raki!) is cold coffee? We’ll let you discover all this!

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